The Fang & Fur Sexy Kitty Competition - Fang & Fur

The Fang & Fur Sexy Kitty Competition

Is your cat a pin-up of the pussy world? A burlesque queen of the kitty scene? It’s time for your cat to get their sexy on! Send us pics and clips of your pussies looking provocative and you could win a seriously sexy prize pack!
Tom Sainsbury’s Cats of the Lockdown Winners! - Fang & Fur

Tom Sainsbury’s Cats of the Lockdown Winners!

Tom Sainsbury, a keen observer of feline behaviour (as demonstrated through his character Gingerbread), was an obvious choice for the role of judge: “I loved looking at all your wee furry friends. It was very entertaining. But there can only be one winner per cat-egory. So, without further adieu…”
Cats of the Lockdown Competition - Fang & Fur

Cats of the Lockdown Competition

The challenge is on motherfluffers! Send us pics and clips of your pussies in lockdown and you could win some seriously amazing prizes! The winners will be chosen by Tom Sainsbury (aka Snapchat Dude)!